
Friday, May 3, 2013

Teaching Kids About The Abundant Life

Growing up, I often heard people close their prayer with the phrase "Lord willing” or "If it is your will." That phrase in itself leads to the question in one's mind, "Is it the Lord's will for that person to be healed?" And....if that person was not healed then we have a reason why they were not healed...a very simple one....It was not the Lord's will for he/she to be healed. If that is our mindset, then we come before the Lord not really knowing whether or not He wants to heal those that we pray for.

During our last Freedom Kids meeting, we made it clear that it is the Lord's will for people to be healed and to walk in health. Jesus came that we may have life and have it more is a part of that abundant life. Many times over, Jesus went around healing those who were sick because that was the Father’s will. You see....whatever is in Heaven is suppose to be here on the earth...and since sickness is not in heaven then sickness is not suppose to be here on the earth....pretty simple.

We visually demonstrated with props that there was a great exchange that took place when Jesus went to the cross. He took our sins so that we could be forgiven. He took our sickness and pain so that we could walk in health. He was separated from the Father for a short time so that we could be with Him forever. What a great deal for us!!!

We also discussed that when Jesus went about healing those who were sick and when He heals people today, He is demonstrating His love and power; He is destroying the works of the devil; and He is bringing heaven to earth.

If our children know that it is the Lord's will for people to be healed, then they can pray for people with great resolve and faith....and then watch what great things the Lord does through them.

Empowering a young generation,


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