
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Why do we do what we do?

Why do we do what we do? That was a question that we tried to answer at our Family Vision Dinner in September. Part of the answer: We VALUE the children that the Lord has given us to relate with and minister to on a weekly basis. Yes, we only have several dozen weekends a year to impact their lives for the Kingdom of God, but what an opportunity to come alongside the families and impart Kingdom principles.

Over the past several months we have endeavored to connect with the children in positive, fun ways.

At the end of July we held our 4th Sports/Art Camp. Ninety children from all over the MOV participated in the camp, along with over thirty volunteers. We offered six different activities for them to choose from: basketball, soccer, baseball, cheerleading, art, and woodworking. Our evenings were filled with singing, Bible lessons, sports’ stories, art and sports’ instruction, snacks, object lessons, and Truth verse memorization. Steve Hill ( Alex and Gina’s brother-in-law) did an awesome job presenting the Gospel to the children on Thursday evening. Nine children prayed with him to receive the Lord in their heart for the first time. We ended the camp with a sports and art exhibit for the parents to see what the children had been doing all week. Every sports’ group had a chance to show-off their skills in an organized drill routine, while the art and woodworking projects were displayed during the refreshment time. With much anticipation, I am looking forward to next year and how the Lord wants to use us to impact the MOV area through this ministry.

A few days after our camp, we had a pool party. ( It was a fun way to recover from the week before)

To kick off our Freedom Kids program that is held on the first and third Saturdays of the month throughout the school year, we had a bowling party.

Now we are in full swing with Freedom Kids, and we had a great time at our last rally. We continue to impress upon them that they have a mission to bring heaven to earth. They don’t need to wait until they are grown-up to start, and because they have a relationship with Father God, their life can be an amazing adventure….and they don’t need to do it alone because John 14:16 says: “ I will ask the Father and He will give you another Helper that He may be with you forever.”

Please continue to pray for us as we take every opportunity that we have, to show the children that we value them and even more so…that God values them.

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