As we have stated in the past, our
desire is to see the children at VHC experience the presence of God,
because it is His presence that changes us and then we can change our
culture as we demonstrate the Kingdom of God. We want Freedom Kids on
Saturday night to be a place where the children can learn Bible
Truths and where they can have fun together; but what will change
their life is a place and time where they can experience the Holy
Spirit personally. We anticipate the Holy Spirit to move in our FK
meetings each time we meet.
Many children’s leaders have settled for good services with good lessons when God is calling them to allow His Spirit to have freedom to move as He desires. We can no longer settle for just being good. We must strive for a move of the Holy Spirit.
We need to desire a children’s ministry where the Holy Spirit moves freely because:
1. It is biblical.
God’s Word promises that the Holy Spirit will move on our children.
"This is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy’ " (Acts 2:16—18).
"Peter replied,…‘And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off’" (Acts 2:38,39).
God wants to make this a reality, not just a promise.
2. It is historical.
What God has done before He can do again. Here are examples of the Holy Spirit touching and flowing through children.
Cane Ridge Revival, Kentucky, 1801. "Little children, too, were brought visibly into the kingdom of God, like the 7-year-old girl, sitting on her father’s shoulder, who exhorted the crowd for a time and then slumped down in weariness."
Maria Woodworth-Etter, St. Louis, Missouri, 1890. "One day, a helpless little girl was brought to me. She could neither talk nor walk. After I prayed for her, I told some of the folks to take her out and let her try to walk…. After a while, they brought her back. She was walking and talking, but they couldn’t understand a word that she said. Praise the Lord. She had the use of her whole body; she was walking and talking in a strange language or tongue. She was filled with the Spirit and was bold as a lion. I stood her on the platform, and she began to walk about and preach. With hands uplifted...she preached to the astonished multitude, showing what great things the Lord had done for her."
Welsh Revival, Evan Roberts, 1904. "While this was a revival of youth, children were so taken up with the things of God that they held their own meetings in homes, barns, yards; many from about the age of 10 would exhort, sing and pray with great power. Many young children took part in public meetings as well."3 "Children began to pray and sing for hours."
John G. Lake. "I was sitting one day in the home of the DeValeras in Krugersdorp, South Africa, when a man arrived who had...been following me from place to place, trying to catch up with me. He...had developed a large cancer. He came into the house a little while a 6-year-old child who had been sitting near me went across the room, climbed on the man’s knees, put her hands on his face, and prayed. I saw the cancer wither. In half an hour, the thing had disappeared."
3. It is essential.
The Pentecostal movement’s future leadership is now sitting in our children’s ministry. It is imperative that our children learn to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit’s presence and know how to flow with Him. It is critical that they be allowed to see and hear Him work in their services. During these foundational years, it is our responsibility to create an atmosphere where children echo the psalmist David’s words, "I have seen you in the sanctuary and beheld your power and your glory" (Psalm 63:2). This ensures that future generations will desire to flow with the Holy Spirit.
How can the typical children’s ministry change into a Spirit-filled children’s ministry? It is not a matter of what you know as much as who you know. No curriculum or Spirit-in-a-box methodology will produce a Spirit-filled children’s ministry. No conference will produce this type of ministry. It comes from what I call the "know and glow" principle. After Moses had been alone with God, his countenance was changed. After spending time on our faces in His presence, we won’t be able to contain His glorious presence.

Billy Burns Ministries
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